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  Our mission is to further conversations of class dynamics and contribute to the strengthening of budding class consciousness displayed throughout the county through a variety of educational and agitational methods, the first of which is the development of a political education curriculum to be used as a resource for reading and discussion groups that can be both coordinated by us and adopted for study by other organizations. 



 â€‹To foster the development of class consciousness among local working people by developing accessible, consistent programs of revolutionary political education. Our curriculum offers a framework for the local understanding of class struggle, by emphasizing a materialist conception of history, and drawing relevant parallels between current crises and people’s struggles in the recent past. Study group provides a space for meaningful dialogue with comrades and cadre development, in person and on Zoom. We seek, of course, to combat the implicit cultural liberalism across classes and strata in New England, and to always advance an anti-colonialist, anti-Imperialist line in all revolutionary spaces.

We meet every Wednesday at 4pm.

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