Study Questions
1. How is the rise of capitalism over feudalism linked to national movements? What are the historico-economic conditions at play?
2. How does Lenin define the two distinct periods of capitalism? How is this point reminiscent of Newton’s theory of reactionary and revolutionary intercommunalism?
3. What argument is Luxemburg making, and what issues does Lenin take with her analysis? What course of action does he offer as an alternative? How did we previously see the Black Panther Party acting in accordance to Lenin’s line of thought and proposed strategy?
4. Analyze this statement: “Bourgeois nationalism and proletarian internationalism— these are the two irreconcilably hostile slogans that correspond to the two great class camps throughout the capitalist world, and express the two policies (nay, the two world outlooks) in the national question.”
5. What larger point is Lenin getting at through the examples of Jewish and Irish nationalism? How did Marx and Engels’ thought around the national question develop? How is this paralleled in Newton’s description of the philosophical development of the Black Panther Party?
6. Why do you think the editors included this chapter? What stood out most to you in relation to the previous chapters? In what ways do you think Newton reiterated Lenin’s analysis and in what ways do you think he added to it?