The Berkshire People’s Gym, a program of the Berkshire Communists, exists to provide the local masses the means and opportunity to heal and repair their bodies and minds after a lifetime of exploitation by the capitalist class. We have created a robust physical education program at the Peoples’ Gym, and are developing an open source for knowledge surrounding exercise, diet, and herbalism. Under our current system, many are robbed of the resources and time to prioritize their physical and emotional well-being by the structural oppression of bourgeois fascism and its protectors. For this reason, the Peoples’ Gym is always free for working-class people and permanently closed to cops, active military, landlords, and capitalists.
“If one seeks to improve one's body other things will follow automatically. For the improvement of the body, nothing is more effective than physical education. Physical education really occupies the first place in our lives. When the body is strong, then one can advance speedily in knowledge and morality, and reap far-reaching advantages”
Mao Zedong, A Study of Physical Education.